Networking without Communicating is like a Coffee Bean without Water

net·work (ntwûrk) n.

1c. An extended group of people with similar interests or concerns who interact and remain in informal contact for mutual assistance or support.

To interact or engage in informal communication with others for mutual assistance or support.

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posted by Jay @ 10/23/2006,


At October 15, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Within the field of Experiential Education there are a number of different certifications that currently exist. It would help to understand what capacity you are looking to implement experiential education in order to give helpful advice/direction.

Currently there is not a single, universally accepted certification but rather an array (Though things could be changing in the years to come)...

Degrees at various colleges & universities. (Both Majors and Minors)

Independent certifications within experiential/adventure/outdoor education organizations that are specific to their protocols and clientele.

Nationally recognized wilderness programs such as NOLS(National Outdoor Leadership School) or OB (Outward Bound).

(Inter)National based organizations looking to standardize certification across the entire field such as ACCT (Association for Challenge Course Technology).


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