Topical Discussion - Stepping it Up

Based on the needs of your organization and personal desires...

What do you think could help to unite the experiential education community in Michigan?

What contributions might you be willing to make?

posted by Jay @ 10/05/2006,


At September 25, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The field needs to maintain open lines of communication, commit to sharing event dates and opportunities within the field, and embrace the concept of being a link in the chain. When one organization hears of an event or opportunity we need to pass this along to others. Whenever the dissemination of information ceases the chain is broken and we hinder the advancement of our field. It is quite ironic that a field which consistently promotes and teaches 'communication' to its' clientele struggles with the same principles as a whole. I believe this website could be a huge aid in our struggle if it is used consistently by Michigan experiential practitioners.


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