Leadership Training - 10 Tips for Programme Design

One of the main challenges in designing leadership training courses (especially short ones) is to create enough opportunities for each individual to have several turns as leader. Courses for developing teamwork skills are more straightforward because participants are always part of the team, but on leadership courses each individual only experiences leadership when it is their turn to be leader. And on short courses, participants may only have one experience of leadership.

So what can be done to increase the proportion of the time in which each individual is a leader?

• And what can be done to increase the number of times that each individual can experience leadership within a course?

Instead of designing a programme in a way that provides just one opportunity per person for leading a team...design a programme of the same duration that will provide at least three leadership experiences per person.

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Excerpts from 10 Tips for Programme Design, Programme Design for Leadership Training - Maximising Leadership Opportunities on Leadership Training Programmes by Roger Greenaway, Reviewing Skills Training.

posted by Jay @ 1/11/2007,


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