Ongoing Discussion

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posted by Jay @ 11/29/2006, ,

Improving Evaluation in Experiential Education - How Far Have We Come?

"Although experiential education is really the oldest approach to learning, its practitioners have not had an easy time justifying its relevance in the educational world of the twentieth century...skepticism persists outside the field."

"Recent changes in the methodologies of evaluation, however, have provided useful tools for experiential educators. Such tools can be used to refine programming, enhance student learning, and perhaps improve the credibility of the field--important when organizations compete for limited funding..."

~Bruce Hendricks

Improving Evaluation in Experiential Education by Bruce Hendricks was published over a decade ago (1994), yet, the same hurdle remains before us. How much have we done in the past decade to overcome the lack of credibility.

A central topic of discussion for years at experiential education conferences, the need for more research has been recognized, presented on, and championed throughout our field. Still, many neglect research in their own programs. Reasons vary from lack of know-how, to lack of funding, to a belief that research is for the 'researchers,' to any number of additional crutches. I pose these are all weak reasons for opting out of research.

Discussion has ensued for over a decade and the lack of research continues to plague our field. We aren't in need of more awareness we are in need of players. What actions are you taking?

posted by Jay @ 11/26/2006, ,

Zoom – Teambuilding Activity

Summary (courtesy of Wilderdom)
A group tries to create a unified story from a set of sequential pictures. The pictures are randomly ordered and handed out. Each person has a picture but cannot show it to others. Requires patience, communication, and perspective taking in order to recreate the story's sequence.

Purchase as a ‘teambuilding kit’ for $70
Includes: laminated pages from the picture books; activity guide; facilitation notes.

Do it yourself:

Total Cost: Not $70

posted by Jay @ 11/17/2006, ,

Initiatives and Games

Click on the ‘sneetchball game’
to check out the lists and links on Wilderdom

Looking for a new cooperative, initiative, or game chances are you’ll be able to locate one here.

posted by Jay @ 11/16/2006, ,

Word of Mouth

"The way of the world is meeting people through other people."

A network is by nature completely dependant upon those within the network. It's growth is directly linked to the actions of those involved. The value of your knowledge, your circle of influence, and your ability to inspire others is beyond calculable figures. Help make this netWORK!

Share the Michigan Experiential Network site with...

...colleagues ...

...anyone who might have an interest!

posted by Jay @ 11/14/2006, ,

Welcome to the Michigan Experiential Network

The place to disseminate news, discuss critical issues, promote events, and network within the field of experiential education in Michigan.

To learn more about all this site has to offer read through the overview posts located in the previous section on the right side of this website.

posted by Jay @ 11/09/2006, ,

Event Notice

The 34th Annual AEE International Conference gets under way tomorrow in Minnesota and an in state opportunity is just around the corner...

The 6th Annual
AEE Michigan Networking Day
is Friday, November 10, 2006.

Click on an event in the calendar below for more information.

posted by Jay @ 11/01/2006, ,

Add an Event to the MIEN Calendar!